Dr. Stanley Hobish


In Spirituality on June 11, 2021 at 4:06 pm


My name for the spirit that lives inside of me is

The wizard of is. I suspect that spirit lives inside of all of us.

◦ Even after living 95 years on the planet I still have many questions. Not only does the spirit have all the answers but He is

◦ the answer himself.

I asked:

“ Why can I not see you? “

“Because I am consciousness, the light of the world and you are living in darkness.

The past and the future are dark but I live in the light of the present moment that is here and now.

Consciousness is the light of all I AM and we ARE.

In Spirituality on November 13, 2020 at 10:46 pm


The only thing that does not change is change it’s self.

Consciousness like the present moment changes constantly.

Consciousness is like a river that flows on and on. To be conscious of consciousness one must get

into the river and flow with it

Watching your breathing keeps you in the present moment and restores Consciousness.

In Spirituality on October 28, 2020 at 4:54 pm


The TRUTH is the knowledge of who I am and who you are. Not who we think we are. This experience of the truth requires no proof.

CONSCIOUSNESS is the ground of being, which some people call god.

The experience of being conscious of this consciousness cannot be described. I call it BLISS.

This is the knowledge I did not get in college.